Is Child Support or Alimony Included As Income in Bankruptcy?

Father & Daughter on Surfing the InternetBefore you file bankruptcy your attorney will ask you for verification of your last six months of income as a factor to determine Means Test qualification. The Means Test is a household income limit you must fall below according to the number of household occupants in order to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

Child support and alimony are considered income and can greatly impact your ability to qualify for the Means Test. Income from child support or alimony may put you over the Means Test limit causing you to file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

In addition to having an impact on your Means Test calculation child support and/or alimony will also be considered when determining your monthly budget moving forward. It’s important that you discuss any form of domestic support obligation (child support or alimony) you receive with your attorney before filing your bankruptcy.