What Is A Form 24 In A North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Case?

Workers' Compensation Doctor Looking at X-RayWhen you receive your workers’ compensation benefits, you have been evaluated by a doctor as to what limitations you may have when you go back to work.  Let’s say that you have hurt your arm, and the doctor limits you to “light duty” work, and perhaps sets a limit to the weight that you can carry or the movements that you can make, but you are able to work under certain circumstances.  You go into work and decide that you can’t and/or do not want to work and you stop showing up. Your refusal to do your legally obligated job under the workers’ compensation law can prompt your employer to try to terminate or suspend your workers’ compensation payment.

When your employer does not feel like they should still have to continue to pay your workers’ compensation benefits they can file a Form 24 which is an Application to Terminate or Suspend Payment of Compensation (G.S 97-18.1).  Your employer will fill this out which explains why they feel your workers’ compensation payments should be suspended or terminated. At this point, the date that they mail it, you have 17 days to fill out your response and send it back. Typically there will be an informal hearing in which the Deputy Commissioner will hear both sides of the story (normally by a telephone conference) and will make a ruling based upon their findings and the consideration of the doctor’s opinion.

You have the right to appeal the decision to the full commission if you do not agree with the Deputy Commissioners decision, although in most cases, once the decision has been made it is not likely to be overturned. They key is, however, is to ensure that you follow the steps laid out by your doctor. If you do not agree with the restrictions or with something set out as part of your restrictions you should discuss that with your workers’ compensation attorney instead of just not following the doctor’s orders.